Muscle synergy spinal cord injury
Muscle synergy spinal cord injury

muscle synergy spinal cord injury muscle synergy spinal cord injury

These patterns varied as a function of both the severity of functional impairment and the temporal distance from stroke onset. When its balanced directly over an erect spine, it takes much less work for your neck and back muscles to support it. Our factorization analysis revealed, in a quantitative way, three distinct patterns of muscle coordination-including preservation, merging, and fractionation of muscle synergies-that reflect the multiple neural responses that occur after cortical damage. Introduction A spinal cord injury (SCI) at, and above, the thoracic-level could cause paresis or paralysis of the trunk muscles which can impair sitting balance ( Gauthier et al., 2013 ), as well as the ability to stand and walk ( Fox et al., 2013, Hayes et al., 2014 ). We used a factorization algorithm to identify the muscle synergies. To gain insights into this complex process, we recorded myoelectric signals from multiple upper-limb muscles in subjects with cortical lesions. Damage to the motor cortical areas disrupts the orchestration of the modules, resulting in abnormal movements. For the three cats requiring only one muscle synergy in the spinal condition (Ni, Go, and Ru), the one muscle synergy extracted from shuffled spinal data was nearly identical to the muscle synergy extracted from spinal data (r > 0.99), whereas for cat Re, one spinal muscle synergy was similar to one synergy extracted from shuffled data (r 0. These spinal modules subserve normal motor behaviors by activating groups of muscles as individual units (muscle synergies). Cortical damage, whether by trauma or stroke, interferes with the flow of descending signals to the modular interneuronal structures of the spinal cord. Muscular weakness, coactivation of antagonist muscles, and altered muscle.

muscle synergy spinal cord injury

The experimental findings herein reported are aimed at gaining a perspective on the complex neural events that follow lesions of the motor cortical areas. Gait function can be altered after incomplete spinal cord (iSCI) lesions.

Muscle synergy spinal cord injury